St. Nathaniel
March 1, 2019
Our Lady of Lebanon Chapel
Many who have been called to testify of Him and to testify of His Holy Church,
And many who have been called to be fishers of men,
Forget their testimony of Him in these days, and speak not for His Holy Church,
And their actions cause men’s hearts to waver instead of pulling them unto Him.
But there are more than a few who do indeed remain true to the calling to testify of
Him and His Holy Church,
And they are indeed fishers of men and shepherds of His sheep.
Many of these have been removed from the table,
And they cry out from the place where they have been sent,
And they look for a plumb line by which to stay in alignment with Him.
Eleven who were called have come before you with messages.
We are those who were called to testify of Him, and we testify still.
These who have been called as present-day apostles should not grow weary,
For indeed they are our successors, and must speak out in these difficult days.
Those who have been called to stand with saints and apostles, to be warriors in this battle,
Must come forth.
And indeed those into whose hands His words and the words of His Mother have been placed
Cannot be silent.
For indeed they hold a plumb line for the Church.
All of these words must come forth.
The words of apostles and other saints who have spoken, and His words will be placed into a book,
And a bishop will proclaim, “Let it be printed, for it is sound.”
But today while the battle rages, those who are called must give testimony.
Those who have been sent away from the table grow weary, and must be told that He has spoken,
And indeed the Church has not been left in the dark.
Understand the times you are in, for tools have been given that these words may go forth.
Neglect not those who are present-day prophets, and who have the means to spread these words.
As for His Mother’s words,
Woe to those who were given so great a treasure and counted it as naught, for there will be an accounting.
And they must answer the question He will ask of them, “Where are the words of My Mother?”
In His great mercy, He has granted His Mother’s request that His hand of justice be stayed,
And that His hand of mercy be extended.
But He has looked upon His Church, and has found not the words of His Mother,
And His hand of justice begins to move.
Where are those to stand with me and the others and testify of our Lord?
For you were called to be apostles, and to leave behind the boats.
Why then are there found among you those who have not forsaken all for this calling?
For they are not shepherds, and tend not His sheep.
The days ahead are difficult, but what can distract you from this calling?
For Christ indeed directs your path and calls to you persistently to come unto Him.
This is a great work for it will be to the glory of God
And will be a tidal wave that will sweep over His Church, and it will be cleansed.
Christ has established His Holy Church, and you who have been called to be shepherds in His Church
Must now find your voice for the silence of the shepherds will not be pardoned.
He speaks lovingly but firmly to all those with ears, and all who hear must cease from being silent.
Now is the time to step forward and to be heard.
Those with ears should listen.
Behold His hand of justice.
Behold the voice of the Lord.